"We are all knowmads"
Call for short videos (deadline extended until August 17, 2018)
For media inquiries, contact:
For media inquiries, contact:
Daniel Navarrete is creating a short video, entitled We are all knowmads, where participants from around the world are invited to share a short video introduction of themselves and answer the question, how do you imagine a future created by all and for all in the 21st century society?
The purpose of this video is to introduce viewers to knowmads from around the world, and our visions for the future. Short. Friendly. Fun.
The video will be aired at the Knowmads Festival in Peru in 2019 and help bring awareness to the global knowmad movement. Stay tuned for details!
Each participant should follow the following structure to record their video:
Technical stuff:
How do we imagine that the video will turn out? We are inspired by: https://elpais.com/elpais/2016/09/22/estilo/1474537100_384088.html
Send questions to Daniel at daniel@knowmad.org or by SMS/WhatsApp: +51 966 726 417
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